A year after the filibuster, pro-choice Texans are still resisting

Via Wendy Davis

Via Wendy Davis

Yesterday was the one-year anniversary of Wendy Davis’ filibuster and the incredible outpouring of support it drew from Texans from all over the state, making it possible in the first place. And though the news from Texas has been a lot of doom-and-gloom about clinic closures and their effects on Texas women, it’s important to point out that Texans are still standing strong for reproductive justice and fighting back. Andrea Grimes writes:

Since that day, I have seen nothing that looks like a loss of passion or a surrender to the inevitable, though GOP pundits and mainstream Texas newspapers seem to love the narrative that progressive, liberal and moderate Texans forgot everything they learned last summer as soon as they were home safe, tucked in their beds.

What I have seen is an incredible outpouring of time, of money, of soul. Because the knowledge that Texans gained last summer—how to testify in front of a committee hearing, how to contact their legislators, hell, how to just know the names of their representatives—can’t be taken away from them. They now see how the system works, and how the system has been manipulated by right-wing lawmakers who have grown lazy and self-satisfied, comfortable with their bully pulpit.

Texans have not forgotten the power that became so clearly visible in the capitol that summer, and are resisting a ridiculous set of abortion restrictions in their state with their activism every single day. I, of course, have no trouble believing this – some of my dearest friends and fiercest activists I’ve had the pleasure to work and organize with are in Texas, and they don’t let me forget for one second that resistance is alive and well there. Go read all of Andrea’s wonderful piece, and make sure you don’t forget either.

1bfea3e7449eff65a94e2e55a8b7acda-bpfullVerónica has mad love for Texas.

New York, NY

Verónica Bayetti Flores has spent the last years of her life living and breathing reproductive justice. She has led national policy and movement building work on the intersections of immigrants' rights, health care access, young parenthood, and LGBTQ liberation, and has worked to increase access to contraception and abortion, fought for paid sick leave, and demanded access to safe public space for queer youth of color. In 2008 Verónica obtained her Master’s degree in the Sexuality and Health program at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. She loves cooking, making art, listening to music, and thinking about the ways art forms traditionally seen as feminine are valued and devalued. In addition to writing for Feministing, she is currently spending most of her time doing policy work to reduce the harms of LGBTQ youth of color's interactions with the police and making sure abortion care is accessible to all regardless of their income.

Verónica is a queer immigrant writer, activist, and rabble-rouser.

Read more about Verónica

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