Posts Tagged filibuster

A year after the filibuster, pro-choice Texans are still resisting

Yesterday was the one-year anniversary of Wendy Davis’ filibuster and the incredible outpouring of support it drew from Texans from all over the state, making it possible in the first place. And though the news from Texas has been a lot of doom-and-gloom about clinic closures and their effects on Texas women, it’s important to point out that Texans are still standing strong for reproductive justice and fighting back.

Yesterday was the one-year anniversary of Wendy Davis’ filibuster and the incredible outpouring of support it drew from Texans from all over the state, making it possible in the first place. And though ...

BREAKING: Senate passes “nuclear option” so judicial confirmations only need 51 votes

Did Majority Leader Harry Reid just win the day?  The so called “nuclear option” just passed and that means that the GOP, who have been blocking judicial and executive branch nominees for years, can no longer simply block nominations to the courts.  Prior to today, the GOP would simply refuse to allow confirmation hearings on Obama’s nominees and there didn’t necessarily have to be a reason. They would threaten to filibuster, and one GOP Senator is all you need to block a nomination.

Via ThinkProgress

Did Majority Leader Harry Reid just win the day?  The so called “nuclear option” just passed and that means that the GOP, who have been blocking judicial and executive branch nominees for years, can no ...

Friday Feminist Fuck Yeah: A note of thanks to my fellow Texans

Ed note: This is a guest post by Jessica Luther. Jessica Luther is a freelance writer, reproductive justice activist, historian, and proud Texan. She is on Twitter at @scATX and her main site is To my fellow Texans: Living as a progressive in Texas can be hard. Often you feel outnumbered, silenced, and underrepresented. I have believed for a long time that Texas has the potential to change its political makeup, that all we needed was some kind of spark to light the fire of change. What happened over the last week, as hundreds and then thousands of Texans showed up in person to protest incredibly restrictive anti-choice and anti-access abortion bills, that was the most beautiful spark I’ve ever seen. By ...
Ed note: This is a guest post by Jessica Luther. Jessica Luther is a freelance writer, reproductive justice activist, historian, and proud Texan. She is on Twitter at @scATX and her main site is To ...