Posts Tagged New Jersey

The same New Jersey that re-elected Christie also voted to raise the minimum wage

New Jersey voted Tuesday to re-elect Chris Christie as Governor by an overwhelming margin.  Pundits are focusing on Christie’s win as a sign of a Republican resurgence, but the same electorate in New Jersey that voted for Christie, voted to raise the minimum wage.

Via Think Progress:

In New Jersey, the minimum wage, which was set at the federal floor of $7.25, will now rise by a dollar and the state constitution will be amended to include automatic increases tied to inflation. It is now the eleventh state to adopt automatic increases to the wage, standing in contrast to the federal government, where it hasn’t risen in four years. Over 60 percent of voters approved the measure.

New Jersey voted Tuesday to re-elect Chris Christie as Governor by an overwhelming margin.  Pundits are focusing on Christie’s win as a sign of a Republican resurgence, but the same electorate in New Jersey that voted for ...

VA and NJ Governor elections offer mixed bag for reproductive rights

While proponents of access to reproductive health services can rejoice in Virginia with Terry McAuliffe’s victory over Ken Cuccinelli to become the state’s new governor, New Jersey residents are stuck with Governor Chris Christie.

East coast political junkies, organizers, campaigners, and other people with high stakes in their state elections have found themselves knee deep in GOTV work for the past couple of weeks. I spent the past two days canvassing in Virginia on behalf of Terry McAuliffe, and I’m pleased to know that it was worth it. Although the numbers were pretty close, McAuliffe won the governor’s seat – saving Virginians from Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, whose stance on women’s rights is 

Marriage equality in New Jersey!

At 12:01am this morning, a whole bunch of same sex couples got hitched in the great state of New Jersey, where a judge recently ruled that barring gay couples from getting married is unconstitutional.
Among those officiating was Newark Mayor and Senator-elect Cory Booker (via Lambda Legal).

At 12:01am this morning, a whole bunch of same sex couples got hitched in the great state of New Jersey, where a judge recently ruled that barring gay couples from getting married is unconstitutional.
Among those ...

Breaking: NJ judge rules that same-sex couples can soon marry

The Huffington Post reports:

Judge Mary Jacobson of the Mercer County Superior Court ruled Friday that gay couples can marry in the Garden State starting October 21.

“This unequal treatment requires that New Jersey extend civil marriage to same-sex couples to satisfy equal protection guarantees of the New Jersy Constitution as interpreted by the New Jersey Supreme Court in Lewis,” wrote the judge. “Same-sex couples must be allowed to marry in order to obtain equal protection of the law under the New Jersey Constitution.”

Jacobson said she made her decision in light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on United States v. Windsor, but the ruling is likely to be appealed.

This news comes the same day as a

The Huffington Post reports:

Judge Mary Jacobson of the Mercer County Superior Court ruled Friday that gay couples can marry in the Garden State starting October 21.

“This unequal treatment requires that New Jersey extend civil marriage ...

Quick Hit: New Jersey may ban “gay conversion therapy”

Following California’s lead, New Jersey may become the second state to ban “gay conversion therapy” for those under 18. The debate comes nearly a year after Dr. Robert Spitzer, credited with research said to legitimate such homophobic practices, recanted his own poorly-designed study on the “gay cure.” USA TODAY reports:

The contentious practice is on the brink of banishment in New Jersey. A bill outlawing such therapy to those under 18 is headed to the Senate for a vote after the Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee passed it by a 7-1 vote March 18.

The legislation brings to New Jersey’s forefront a much-criticized practice while exposing the schism between those who believe a person is born gay or ...

Following California’s lead, New Jersey may become the second state to ban “gay conversion therapy” for those under 18. The debate comes nearly a year after Dr. Robert Spitzer, credited with research said to legitimate such homophobic ...

What We Missed

First Santorum says gay marriage is a glass of beer, now Rep. Allen West (R-FL) says being gay is like choosing an ice cream flavor. Being gay never sounded more delicious.

A married gay couple in San Francisco lose their immigration battle.

Newark, NJ introduces its first woman chief of police.

Akiba Solomon of Colorlines on The Help.

The Women’s Media Center launches a campaign around the HBO documentary on Gloria Steinem.

First Santorum says gay marriage is a glass of beer, now Rep. Allen West (R-FL) says being gay is like choosing an ice cream flavor. Being gay never sounded more delicious.

A married ...

Why Are We Still Gambling With Women’s Health?

For some college students, returning to New Jersey after a summer away, the fall semester will spark a growing wave of protest.  After all, how would you feel if you suddenly couldn’t get affordable birth control or basic reproductive check-ups at your university’s health center?  At Princeton, where I’m a senior, the possibility isn’t on many people’s radar – we’re so used to free condoms and subsidized birth control that nobody made a peep when University Health Services tripled the co-pay for its contraceptive pills last spring (although, frankly, there should have been more of a reaction).

But it will soon be a reality for students on campuses just miles from ...

For some college students, returning to New Jersey after a summer away, the fall semester will spark a growing wave of protest.  After all, how would you feel if you suddenly couldn’t get ...