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Feminism & Weight Loss

I’m trying to lose weight. After being informed by several doctors that my weight was impacting my health, I made the decision to lose weight – a significant amount of weight. (I want to be clear that this is about my health; I don’t want or mean to imply that overweight people are neccesarily unhealthy or that being thinner means you are automatically healthier. I haven’t ever been a very healthy person regardless of my weight, I’m trying to change that, and I want that to be clear to everyone who reads this.)

Weight loss is a touchy subject in the feminist community; posts about weight on Feministing illustrate this regularly. Negative comments include people who are hesitant to accept those who are overweight for fear of – I’m not sure, exactly, unless it’s fear that overweight people will somehow become a menace to society, no doubt perpetuated by common myths about being overweight. While these people have good intentions, however misguided and damaging, other people display outright hatred for overweight people, calling them disgusting, a threat to society, and portraying them as people who have no self-control, who could lose weight if they really just tried harder.

In reality, weight loss is tough. Remember that your weight is at least partially genetically determined by your parents’ weight, and factor in that when you gain weight, you also gain more fat cells, and that makes it harder to lose weight. Losing weight is ...

CNN reduces Michelle Obama to her biceps

I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, I am a big fan of the Obamas, and yes, I’ve noticed that they’re a relatively young, attractive couple. But, on the other hand, I’m annoyed that this is the most interesting thing CNN could find to write about Michelle Obama. Case in point:

“Those toned arms are becoming a trademark. And a source of inspiration for some women.”

Really? I hadn’t noticed. Yes, first ladies often set the trends in fashion; just think of Jackie Kennedy. But is it really neccesary to reduce Michelle Obama to ‘nice arms”?

There’s also the fact that people even notice, and feel the need to comment on, her physical ...

I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, I am a big fan of the Obamas, and yes, I’ve noticed that they’re a relatively young, attractive couple. But, on the other ...

Dear Burger King: Please Stop

Has anyone seen the ad for the new "Burger Shots" from Burger king? The ad is incredibly offensive. I’m unable to find a video, but it basically consists of a bunch of women fawning over hamburgers in low-cut t-shirts. This blogger has a post about it with some interesting points, and you can see screenshots here . If anyone can find a video and post it, that would be great!

Has anyone seen the ad for the new "Burger Shots" from Burger king? The ad is incredibly offensive. I’m unable to find a video, but it basically consists of a bunch of women fawning over hamburgers in ...

So said the Privileged White Male

So, I’m a feminist. I have been for a long time, but it took me awhile to come to this conclusion. Maybe it began the first time I was publicly harassed, when a boy rubbed against me in the hallway at school. Or, when I was at the library, and a man commented on my body out loud, in front of my 11-year-old sister. Maybe it was when I was walking to get my younger brother from school, and a man yelled at me from his window, and I was paralyzed with fear before I walked away as fast as I could, too scared that if I ran, he would follow me.
Maybe it was the realization that all of ...

So, I’m a feminist. I have been for a long time, but it took me awhile to come to this conclusion. Maybe it began the first time I was publicly harassed, when a boy rubbed against me ...

Freedom Of Choice Act

In response to all the petitions opposing the Freedom Of Choice Act, I have started my own petition supporting it. I have been unable to find one single petition supporting the Act, but if you know of one, please let me know.
I spent ten minutes googling ‘petition support freedom of choice act’ and several variations, but I couldn’t find anything. Once again please let me know if you know of one.

In response to all the petitions opposing the Freedom Of Choice Act, I have started my own petition supporting it. I have been unable to find one single petition supporting the Act, but if you know ...