Meghan McCain: “Pro Life” AND Scared Sh*tless of Vaginal Probing

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(start watching at 11:12)

The vaginal probing bill should scare everyone and anyone who opposes, well, rape. Sadly, there are some out there, at least in Virginia, who vote for rape. And there are some politicians, at least in Virginia, who say they will actually implement rape. The extreme right likes to pretend that it isn’t extreme, that it represents the mainstream, and that the only people who are against personhood, vaginal probing, and putting aspirin between your knees as a contraceptive are Marxist Feminazis.

Of course, my being against personhood, vaginal probing and aspirin as birth control may actually strengthen their point.

But  “pro life” Republican Meghan McCain’s  fear of the current misogynist trend among Republicans reminds us that the invasive vaginaphobes are the real extremists.

Yesterday, McCain went on the Maddow show and said:

“I’m pro-life. I’m not pro-vaginal probing. I feel like I have to go on television and delineate between the two things. I’m horrified by the bill as a woman, as a Republican woman, I’m horrified. It scares me that this can go on, it scares me that a woman can be vaginally probed without consent or a doctor’s consent…. Vaginal probing is something that I’ve had friends text me about ‘What does this mean. I’m not into politics but what does this say?’ This is something that will penetrate [no pun intended, I assume] beyond politics….”

She then added that as a woman, “the idea of this regressing back to the 1950s and entering Pleasantville is quite daunting.” I may not agree with Meghan McCain on abortion, or on taxes, or on anything else really (with the exception of marriage equality), but it’s important to see that these extremists are not only extremists, but seen as extremists by people in their own party and even their own “pro-life” camp.

And McCain predicts that this extremism is politically toxic:

And I think this is completely radioactive for Governor  McDonnell and I don’t know why he would go in any forum and say that he would pass it. will alienate almost every single woman possible, especially independents, if he becomes the vice-presidential nominee And I do think it will make him a toxic candidate and apparently end his long dream of being a vice-president.

And it looks like McCain is right. The Virginia Assembly again delayed on the vote ultrasound sensing that it is too draconian to pass. And Governor Mcdonnell  who had previously expressed unconditional support for the bill, promising to sign it once it got to his desk, is no longer so enthusiastic. The House is set to debate the bill some time today. It will be streamed here.


Born and raised on the mean streets of New York City’s Upper West Side, Katie Halper is a comic, writer, blogger, satirist and filmmaker based in New York. Katie graduated from The Dalton School (where she teaches history) and Wesleyan University (where she learned that labels are for jars.) A director of Living Liberally and co-founder/performer in Laughing Liberally, Katie has performed at Town Hall, Symphony Space, The Culture Project, D.C. Comedy Festival, all five Netroots Nations, and The Nation Magazine Cruise, where she made Howard Dean laugh! and has appeared with Lizz Winstead, Markos Moulitsas, The Yes Men, Cynthia Nixon and Jim Hightower. Her writing and videos have appeared in The New York Times, Comedy Central, The Nation Magazine, Gawker, Nerve, Jezebel, the Huffington Post, Alternet and Katie has been featured in/on NY Magazine, LA Times, In These Times, Gawker,Jezebel, MSNBC, Air America, GritTV, the Alan Colmes Show, Sirius radio (which hung up on her once) and the National Review, which called Katie “cute and some what brainy.” Katie co-produced Tim Robbins’s film Embedded, (Venice Film Festival, Sundance Channel); Estela Bravo’s Free to Fly (Havana Film Festival, LA Latino Film Festival); was outreach director for The Take, Naomi Klein/Avi Lewis documentary about Argentine workers (Toronto & Venice Film Festivals, Film Forum); co-directed New Yorkers Remember the Spanish Civil War, a video for Museum of the City of NY exhibit, and wrote/directed viral satiric videos including Jews/ Women/ Gays for McCain.

Katie is a writer, comedian, filmmaker, and New Yorker.

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