Supreme Court to rule on Arizona immigration law

Image via Guanabee.

Today we find that the Supreme Court will be hearing challenges to Arizona’s SB 1070, the highly controversial law passed last year that would essentially legalize racial profiling in the state. AP reports:

The Supreme Court agreed Monday to rule on Arizona’s controversial law targeting illegal immigrants, setting the stage for an election-year decision on an issue that is already shaping presidential politics.

The justices said they will review a federal appeals court ruling that blocked several tough provisions in the Arizona law. One of those requires that police, while enforcing other laws, question a person’s immigration status if officers suspect he is in the country illegally.

The Obama administration challenged the Arizona law by arguing that regulating immigration is the job of the federal government, not states. Similar laws in Alabama, South Carolina and Utah also are facing administration lawsuits. Private groups are suing over immigration measures adopted in Georgia and Indiana.

So this decision will not just be about Arizona’s SB 1070 but will be addressing all the other state efforts aiming to literally embed institutional racism into the legal system — an example being in Alabama where a recent House bill passed would also require schools to check new students’ immigration status.

Arizona Governor and generally horrible person Jan Brewer made a statement saying she was “pleased” that the high court is taking the issue on and has confidence SCOTUS “will uphold Arizona’s constitutional authority and obligation to protect the safety and welfare of its citizens.” (This lovely lady also signed a bill last year banning ethnic studies programs in public schools.)

So yes, let’s hope this hearing upholds constitutional authority — to protect individuals from blatant discrimination and civil rights abuses that these policies allow.

Immigration is most definitely a feminist issue

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