Facebook Sexism: Shame Soccer Players by calling them girls

As most folks know the Soccer World Cup is taking place in 2010. I have now been invited to Facebook Group which which states “I am taking a Pink Card to the World Cup 2010″ and is described as “Anyone who has world cup tickets, take a pink card to the game with you. If a player dives, and roles around on the ground like a girl, show him the pink card. Imagine how awesome (shameful for the player) it would be if 70,000 people said “stop acting like a Girl…Ronaldo.”

I figure the best way to protest the blatant sexism would actually be to post a couple of Womens Soccer videos showing that they might actually want to tell the players who fake injuries to “Woman Up” :)

Does anyone have any links to clips of some amazingly kick-ass women’s soccer moments?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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