Coulter in Canada…yeah, that’s not going to go well

So, Ann Coulter was supposed to speak at my campus today. Instead of going into all the drama which you will no doubt see plastered over the news, I’ll give you the brief version:

-VP Academic Francois Houle of the University of Ottawa sends a private caution to Coulter to educate herself about Canadian limits to free speech in regards to promoting hatred of identifiable groups. He concludes: "I therefore ask you, while you are a guest on our campus, to weigh your words with respect and civility in mind."

-Coulter goes crying to Conservative media and apparently registers a complaint with the Human Rights Commission that she is a victim of Houle’s "hate speech" towards "conservatives".

-Coulter speaks in London, the usual fare, telling one Muslim student she should ride a camel if she doesn’t possess a magic carpet.

-Ottawa students are pissed that she’s coming. Carleton University bans her from their campus, so the Campus Conservatives book a room at the University of Ottawa. In order to attend the event, you must register by email and provide ID.

-University of Ottawa students arrange a diversity of tactics to deal with her presence. Everything from ignoring her to planning a "Kiss-In" during the event.

-Attendees line up well in advance of the event, but, SHOCKERS, only conservatives and the media can get in. An astounding majority of "non-conservative" attendees did not receive a "confirmation email" notifying them that they would be permitted to attend the event. Promoting free speech huh?

-Things get rowdy and the fire alarm is pulled and eventually shut off. Thousands are chanting against having hate speech on campus. From all reports I’ve heard, the protesters were non-violently chanting.

-The event is reportedly canceled because Ann feels "threatened".


So. My personal ideal would be that everyone just ignored her. But I understand and definitely sympathize with those who were angered at her being permitted on campus. It was a major snub to our large Muslim student population (in addition to women, non-whites, GLBTQ folks, and really, anyone but conservatives). And its very true that had her comments referenced Jewish people instead of Muslims, there would definitely be some hate speech violations going on.

So what do you think? Should she be allowed to use ‘free speech’ as a cover for her disturbingly hateful views? What are some creative tactics you would suggest if she was brought to your campus? Kiss-In? Streaking while painted in rainbows? Or is ignoring her the answer? Is ignoring her realistic?

Any advice from our American neighbours on how to deal with conservative punditry would be greatly appreciated.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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