What Do You Want in a Counter-Abstinence Sex-Ed Pamphlet

The son of a friend of mine (I’ll call him Andy) informed us that his school sex-ed program, which is abstinence-only, is just around the corner. Furthermore, the group being brought in to teach the class is LifeChoices, a local pro-life "crisis pregnancy center." (http://www.lifechoices4states.org/)

Being in Missouri, abstinence ed is the norm, and I know from personal experience how lacking and destructive these programs are. Andy’s father and I belong to a local political group, and Andy himself is very smart. We are formulating plans such as letter writing and maybe even a protest.

One idea we bounced around was making a pamphlet to counter the abstinence-only stance, and giving them to the students. However, we don’t have any medical experts in our group, and while I have graphic design experience I have little clue as to organize and edit information for such a vast topic, or what tact we should take.

I figured I would ask everyone here. If you were a high school guerilla political activist, what would you want in a sex-ed pamphlet?

What should go in it? What shouldn’t? Should we not point out flaws in ab-only ed, and just focus on topics that they refuse to discuss? Should we explain their motivations and practices? What big topics would you like to see covered? What organizations should we cite?

We are hoping to go a tri-fold or bi-fold route in B/W.

OR! If there already is such a pamphlet in existence, that is free for anyone to use, that would save us a lot of work. My Google-fu failed to produce any.

Thank you for your help!


Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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