Caster Semenya rape joke on TV

The clip is from a British TV show called “Big Fat Quiz of the Year” and this episode was aired on 1 Jan 2010. I haven’t seen any discussion on this, or anything about complaints despite the joke being in extremely bad taste.

Caster Semenya is from a country where rape is a huge problem in communities such as the one she grew up in. It is especially true for lesbian women who subjected to “corrective rape” by men.

Jimmy Carr:

“..sprinter Caster Semenya was accused of being a man. I could have saved them some time and money. Give me 40mins and a couple of bottles of bicardi breeza and I’ll tell you if she’s a lady. <laughs> A sports person with both sets of genitals. It’s a footballers dream, they could rape themselves.”

I’m pretty open-minded when it comes to comedy, but this was not cool. The crowds reaction even seemed to feel it was a little over the top. Perhaps he could get away with this kind of joke in a comedy club, but it really is not acceptable for a national television show.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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