Is a Woman in Labor a “Person”?

Full headline of the article on Huff Post : Is a woman in labor a “person”? New assults on pregnant women’s civil rights in NJ Case.

I can not believe the outcome of this case. It seems to defy all logic!

Not only does it show complete lack of respect for a pregnant womans rights over her own body, it puts the baby’s life ahead of her own. I also believe I am not wrong in thinking that this sets a terrible prescident for women to be charged with a crime when they have an abortion, especially if it was late term.

The most annoying thing about this case is that the baby was born 100% healthy, despite the mothers refusal of a c-section. She was quite clearly making an informed decision! Despite this, her child remains in foster care and the reason seems to be that the hospital didn’t like her attitude.


Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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