
Crossposted to my blog.

An observation on what ensues in every single feminist argument about porn:

Anti-porn Feminist: “I’m anti-porn because my boyfriend/ex-boyfriend/male friend watched a lot of porn and he did a horrible thing to me because of it!”

At which point I have to wonder when feminism became all about letting men off the hook for being assholes.

A decent human being of normal intelligence can watch lots and lots of porn, and, upon finally discovering that actual sex is not entirely the same thing, can accept that without being a dick.  A decent human of normal intelligence can watch hentai rape porn without thinking that women mean yes when they say no. A decent human of normal intelligence isn’t going to go around copying everything he sees on TV.

And I’m sorry, but the problem isn’t porn. The problem is your asshole boyfriend.

I’m sorry, he’s not a “nice normal guy” who just happened to get afflicted with TEH PORNZ. He’s an asshole who just happens to watch porn. And he’d still be an asshole if we lived in a sad, boring society without porn.

Let’s try putting the blame on the asshole rather than the naked chick.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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