Sex and the City: Pro or anti-feminism?

Yesterday, I watched Sex and the City for the first time, under the influence of a few dorm-mates (yes, I do live under a rock.) While I was expecting it to be a half-hour of anti-feministic sexist stereotypes, it wasn’t. The show does portray the women as fashion-obsessed ‘uptown girls,’ but besides that, they’re not gold-diggers (they all seem to be settled into their own careers,) virgins, or women who divulge all their self worth into ‘getting/keeping a man.’ Plus it shows some feministic things that society deems ‘unacceptable.’ In the few episodes I did see, I saw two women having sex (and not fake-hot lesbian sex designed to get men to join), a woman using a dildo, and a woman using a hand mirror to see her vagina. While I don’t think this show is feministic, I don’t find it anti feministic.

So, of fans or critics of the show, what do you think? Is Sex and the City a feminist’s dream or worst nightmare?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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