Anti-Planned Parenthood Propaganda: “Going Undercover”

I have some conservative blogger/activist friends on myspace that I keep on my friends list for the sole purpose of seeing what the conservative movement is up to.
Lately, a lot of them have been posting bulletins with this video in them.
the video is titled:
“Undercover Camera Catches 2nd Indiana Planned Parenthood Breaking Sexual Abuse Reporting Laws”
Basically, the “undercover” 13 year old girl goes to a Planned Parenthood clinic in Indiana and asks to have an abortion. She mentions that the “boyfriend” that got her pregnant was a “lot older”. She then tells another employee that her boyfriend is 31. The person then tells her to go to surrounding states.
Ok,I personally think that this video was staged in someone’s basement.But if it was “real”, I see absolutely nothing wrong with anything Planned Parenthood did. If they did “break the law”, I mean come on. If that girl’s situation had been a real one and her parents were not willing to sign the consent form she would have been forced to have a 31 year old’s child! Even if the 31 year old was arrested, she would still have to raise the kid by herself and since he would be in prison he would not be able to help her! I find the Indiana anti-choice law for 13 year old girls outrageous!
So here are my questions/final thoughts:
1. Was this video staged in someone’s basement?
2. Why does Indiana have such horrible laws that could potentially force a 13 year old girl to have a 31 year old man’s child because her parents are pro-life?
3.What is the potential impact of “undercover” videos made by anti-choice organzitions?
4. Planned Parenthood volunteers and employees, what are your thoughts on this “undercover video”?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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