I am starting a feminism club at my high school!

Over the weekend, I was casually talking with some people about politics at a school-sponsored event. We were discussing whether we were pro-choice or pro-life and I ended up mentioning that I was a feminist. To my surprise a couple of other girls I previously had never spoken to told me they were also feminists. They are both underclassmen (well, underclasswomen) so this means that someone can succeed me in the club after I graduate this year! I mentioned starting a feminism club and they thought it was a good idea!
Ok, I have not gone through the “official” club formation process yet, but I will soon!
I never would have imagined that this would happen while I was still in high school. I always was like “well, next year when I am actually involved in activism, I will do __________”. I would think of ideas, but hesitate to discuss them because I was afraid of what people would think of me.
Any high school feminist group leaders or members, I want you to get in touch with me ASAP( my email is LilithianNun@gmail.com ) . I want to know what other groups do and possibly start a high school feminism clubs alliance. I mean, many high schools already have clubs such as Young Democrats, Young Republicans, Gay-Straight Alliance and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. All of clubs are politically based or promote some sort of agenda that could be related to politics.
I think that there needs to be more feminist activism in high schools. High school is a time when people change and face all sorts of problems that could be alleviated if they knew how to empower themselves and move beyond rigid social expectations. I know my first few years of high school would have been better if I had known about feminism then.
So, I guess my final message is:

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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