Thank You Thursdays: Good Guys

This is just a short thank you to some guys I know.
…to the guys who are comfortable enough in their straightness that they can hug and lean on other guys without needing to make homophobic remarks to make up for it.
…to the guy I worked with on a project for Gov/Politics where we had to represent the Republican side on same-sex marriage, and with whom I had many lovely conversations about what utter BS it was when we should have been planning.
…to my calculus teacher, who makes it clear that he doesn’t care about anyone’s sexual orientation or gender identity as long as they remember to take the derivative of the inside.
…to a certain friend of mine who is comfortable enough in his masculinity to list Vanity Fair among his favorite books on Facebook.
…to the guys who backed me up when I called out another guy in my English class for saying that the miller’s daughter in the Reeve’s Tale wasn’t raped because she didn’t scream.
…to Brian, who writes about feminist issues with me at a little blog called, somewhat awkwardly, City of Ladies.
Thank you.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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