Tit-slings are not a crime!

Berkeley woman misses flight when bra triggers alarm .

In the post-9/11 world of heightened airport scrutiny, Kates, like most travelers, is familiar with the drill: Take off shoes and belts, open the laptop, carry shampoo in 3 oz. bottles.

For Kates, on Sunday, though, the security check got too invasive. A big-busted woman wearing a large underwire bra, she set off the metal detector. She was pulled aside and checked by a female TSA agent with a metal-sensitive wand.

"The woman touched my breast. I said, ‘You can’t do that,’ " Kates said. "She said, ‘We have to pat you down.’ I said, ‘You can’t treat me as a criminal for wearing a bra.’ "

The last time I flew I wore a tight cami (barely containing 40DDs) under my shirt instead of a bra. But lots of women fly spontaneously, can’t find wireless devices that fit, or feel naked without a wired bra and dislike being fondled (IN PUBLIC). Airport security is best describe as security theatre and is a total joke. (Like how I accidentally brought an opened coke bottle through security and was told if I wanted to drink it, I’d have to go back through the line. WHAT???)

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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