Backlash: The Cult of Mommyhood

With the birth of the Brangelina twins, the "attack" on Hollywood mothers that don’t vaccinate their kids recently made by Amanda Peet, and the paparazzi trolling for baby bumps, I have been thinking alot about media "Pro-Mommy Propaganda." It seems like it is everywhere.

As a woman who never wanted children I confess that this is the thing that would make me nuts if I ever became a mother: Getting dragged into the Cult of Motherhood. I have seen people that I like and respect – both in Hollywood and my personal life – become boring, indulgent, judgmental drones when they become mothers.

My question is this: are there things that would change (for the worse) even the most committed feminist if she embarked on them? I think for me those things are marriage and motherhood – I feel that I would become a person that I didn’t even recognize. I have seen it happen to so many others and it saddens me. Thoughts?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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