Fun with Feminist Flickr (debunking rape myths edition)

Update: The person who took this photo asked that we remove it from the site, so we have. But I think the below statement is still worth commenting on…

We are feminists. We call ourselves “Sluts Against Rape” because we believe that a woman should have the right to be sexual in any way she chooses and that she is never at fault for rape. We choose to focus on sexual promiscuity-straight or queer-as a positive assertion of sexual identity and to focus on women as sexual agents as opposed to sexual victims. We remember that this embrace of sexuality in the public sphere has been particularly difficult for people of color, women-especially sex workers-and queer women. Each of these group’s “supposed” inability to sexually control themselves has been used as justification for violence. At the same time, each of these groups have continued to explore and refine the place of sexuality in their lives and insist that public spaces remain open to them.

You can read the rest of the group statement here. Thoughts? (I know, a little heavy for a Friday morning, but interesting nonetheless.)

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