Posts Tagged Fun with Feminist Flickr

Fun with Feminist Flickr (feminism on signs edition)

It’s been a while since I’ve dug around Flickr for random fun feminist stuff, so I was incredibly happy to come across this awesome project from Caseface123 – who asked people to write down what they thought about feminism (and pose!). (Shockingly, they’re not all as bad-ass as this woman’s.)

If you had to fit your feminism on a sign, what would it say?

It’s been a while since I’ve dug around Flickr for random fun feminist stuff, so I was incredibly happy to come across this awesome project from Caseface123 – who asked people to write down ...

Fun with Feminist Flickr: Yes, more graffiti edition

Every time I feature some sort of graffiti, an argument erupts in comments about whether defacing public property is something that should be lauded – but this is one of my favorites, so I couldn’t help myself. (You may have seen it before, it’s been around a while.) And really, our public spaces are defaced all the time with sexist consumerist nonsense like this ad…so I’m not against taking them back.

Picture via lucindalunacy.

Every time I feature some sort of graffiti, an argument erupts in comments about whether defacing public property is something that should be lauded – but this is one of my favorites, so I couldn’t help myself. ...

Fun with Feminist Flickr: Ex-Smoker Edition

I don’t smoke anymore (thanks to all of the support from our readers, I’m nearly four months smoke-free!), but if I did, I’d totally get this. But fuck it, you don’t need to be a smoker to own a zippo, right??

via rrho.

I don’t smoke anymore (thanks to all of the support from our readers, I’m nearly four months smoke-free!), but if I did, I’d totally get this. But fuck it, you don’t need to be a smoker ...

Fun with Feminist Flickr (activism edition)

Check out this poster from a university campus in Ontario, Canada. If you notice the small tear in the poster, it’s because someone thought that the whole “don’t rape women” message was super offensive. In fact, several other posters put up decrying violence against women were vandalized. Sigh.
Thanks to Toban for the link and the pics.

Check out this poster from a university campus in Ontario, Canada. If you notice the small tear in the poster, it’s because someone thought that the whole “don’t rape women” message was super offensive. ...
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