Asking for it

When you get sick of sharing your street harassment stories on this thread, and are tired of snapping Hollaback pics, here’s another bit of street-harassment-related action you can take — a London-based feminist group is collecting items of clothing you were wearing when you were harassed:

Based on similar campaigns in India we are launching an “I DID NOT ASK FOR IT UK� campaign. We are asking women to send us garments they were wearing when they were sexually harassed, in any way. We would like you to add the message “I Did Not Ask For It� to the garment, sew it onto a tee-shirt or marker pen it onto a pair of jeans, embroider it onto a dress or boiler suit… Or draw, paint or digitise the message “I Did Not Ask For It� and then pin the drawing onto your chosen garment, photograph it and send it to us at our e.mail address or send with a comment to our myspace. Feel free to add other messages of your choice, be as creative as possible.

They’ll be making an exhibit of all the photos and articles of clothing. So ladies, grab a magic marker, find those sweatpants and baggy T-shirts you’ve been harassed while wearing, and get to work.
I’m guessing it’s ok to submit even if you don’t live in the UK. But this also seems like a great local action for college campus feminist groups in the run up to their annual Take Back the Night march.
via DollyMix.

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