Posts Tagged RH Reality Check

Quick Hit: Abortion in America is already ridiculously safe; new restrictions only put more people in danger

Newsflash for the GOP! All those terrible abortion restrictions you keep trying to pass? They are not making anyone safer, and are in fact only serving to hinder reproductive health access  How do I know? Because, evidence.

Exhibit A: RH Reality Check has put together an excellent analysis of documents  showing that even though states are regulating abortion like it’s going out of style, there is virtually no evidence that patients are being harmed by accessing abortion services in the U.S. From the article, describing letters provided by 38 of the state attorneys general, and 31 of the health departments:

Together, these documents make up an extensive repository of rules, legislation, and official ...

Newsflash for the GOP! All those terrible abortion restrictions you keep trying to pass? They are not making anyone safer, and are in fact only serving to hinder reproductive health access  How ...

Texas Republican introduces bill to ban abortions after six weeks

Yesterday was a bad day for abortion access in Texas. Governor Rick Perry signed the state’s new law banning abortions after 20 weeks, and hours later a Republican state represenative filed a proposed bill to restrict reproductive options even further. At RH Reality Check Robin Marty writes:

On Thursday, Rep. Phil King (R-Weatherford) introduced HB 59, a “prohibition on abortion after detection of a fetal heartbeat.” The bill would ban abortions even earlier in gestation than HB 2, negating one aspect of the newly-signed law, which as of September will ban abortions after 20 weeks (if it is not tied up in litigation by then). But a limited period for ...

Yesterday was a bad day for abortion access in Texas. Governor Rick Perry signed the state’s new law banning abortions after 20 weeks, and hours later a Republican state represenative filed a proposed bill to ...

Do-Good of the Day: Support RH Reality Check!

As many of you may know, RH Reality Check has been a driving force in online reporting of reproductive health and justice issues for some years now. And as recent discussions have arisen about the sustainability of online feminism, the announcement of their first online fundraiser hits close to home for us at Feministing — not only because we’re one of the struggling entities that essentially acts as an online organization (though not non-profit like RHRC), but because the folks at RH Reality Check are like family in this online feminist sphere we got goin’ and deserve all the support in the world:

Why support RHRC?  We believe ...

As many of you may know, RH Reality Check has been a driving force in online reporting of reproductive health and justice issues for some years now. And as recent discussions ...