Posts Tagged offline and unfiltered

Bring Feministing to your school!

Since the Fall of 2009, Feministing has been traveling to college campuses to talk feminism and writing online. And we’re hitting the road again for our seventh year!

Since the Fall of 2009, Feministing has been traveling to college campuses to talk feminism and writing online. And we’re hitting the road again for our seventh year!

Bring Feministing to your campus for Women’s History Month!

Feministing is currently in the middle of our fifth annual speaking tour, when we travel to colleges and community centers to talk feminism, organizing, and blogging with students, activists, and professors. Our busiest month of events is always March, which is Women’s History Month,  And we want to make sure you get a chance to bring Feministing: Offline and Unfiltered to your school.

As we approach Feministing’s 10th anniversary in April, we’re asking ourselves questions about the state of feminism: how has the movement changed over the past decade, both online and off? What’s next for the feminist internets? What we can do to keep building power and winning feminist victories? We can talk about a bunch of topics we’re engaged in, ...

Feministing is currently in the middle of our fifth annual speaking tour, when we travel to colleges and community centers to talk feminism, organizing, and blogging with students, activists, and professors. Our busiest month of events ...

Bring Feministing to your campus this spring!

The Feministing crew is currently in the third year of our speaking tour, Feministing: Offline and Unfiltered. We travel to colleges and community centers, bringing you our own snarky, passionate brand of feminism in person. And now is a great time to begin setting up a spring event for your campus!

The keynote panel features a group of our award-winning Editors, and Contributors are joining us on the tour this year as well. We cover a range of hot topics, tailoring our talks to your community’s particular interests, followed by a lengthy Q&A. We invite a student panelist from your campus to bring a local perspective as well. We can also conduct interactive workshops on blogging and online activism ...

The Feministing crew is currently in the third year of our speaking tour, Feministing: Offline and Unfiltered. We travel to colleges and community centers, bringing you our own snarky, passionate brand of feminism in person. And ...

Offline and Unfiltered: Bring Feministing to your campus!

Love our content online, but find yourself wanting more? Got questions for your favorite feminist writers, but want to ask in person? Want to know how we do what we do here at Feministing? Or tell us about activism on your campus and how we can help?

Well, all of that is possible with the Offline and Unfiltered Feministing Tour. For three years, Feministing has been traveling to college campuses and community centers to meet with students, activists and professors to discuss the most important issues facing our generation. The tour has been a huge success!

But there’s still so many of you we haven’t met and this makes us sad! So bring Feministing to your school today!

The keynote panel features ...

Love our content online, but find yourself wanting more? Got questions for your favorite feminist writers, but want to ask in person? Want to know how we do what we do here at Feministing? Or tell us ...