Posts Tagged jon stewart

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Watch: Jon Stewart on Rolling Stone

At this point everyone and their mother have weighed in on the now infamous Rolling Stone story on rape at UVA. But Jon Stewart has a commentary on the whole debacle that’s so on point, everyone but Rolling Stone is giving it five stars.

At this point everyone and their mother have weighed in on the now infamous Rolling Stone story on rape at UVA. But Jon Stewart has a commentary on the whole debacle that’s so on point, ...

Watch: The Daily Show takes on sexist attacks on Senator Gillibrand

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It was infuriating and depressingly unsurprising to hear some of the sexist, inappropriate comments male members of Congress have made to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. As we learned last week, colleagues told the Senator she was pretty even when she was “fat” and urge her not to get “too porky.” But The Daily Show‘s take down of the Senate’s sexism will let you laugh and cry.

Daily Feminist Cheat Sheet

Teaching about Ferguson.

Chloe asks: Where are Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert’s women guests?

College guys are worried caring about rape will ruin their sex lives.

Backlash Book Club on the GOP.

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Teaching about Ferguson.

Chloe asks: Where are Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert’s women guests?

College guys are worried caring about rape will ruin their sex lives.

Backlash Book Club on the GOP.

Want to ...


Don’t miss Kristen Schaal and the Daily Show on “Sexy Halloween”

Halloween is next week, and of course the phenomenon we will refer to as “Sexy Halloween” has already begun to rear its “naughty” head. In a new Daily Show sketch, Kristen Schaal embraces the absurdity of the trend, asking “Why would I be upset about progress, Jon? In these modern, liberated times, a woman is free to be a sexy whatever-the-hell-she wants!” before exploring a range of sexy inanimate object costumes including a carrot. (Full video after jump.)

Halloween is next week, and of course the phenomenon we will refer to as “Sexy Halloween” has already begun to rear its “naughty” head. In a new Daily Show sketch, Kristen Schaal embraces the ...

Jon Stewart talks vagina

Last night, The Daily Show took on the GOP’s War on Women and more specifically, its War on Vaginas. Last week, Michigan Democratic legislators Reps. Barb Byrum and Lisa Brown (W. Bloomfield) responded to a bill limiting access to abortion with a provision that would limit men’s access to vasectomies. While addressing the house, Brown said: “I’m flattered that you’re all so interested in my vagina, but no means no.” The Republican House Speaker banned the women from speaking because of “their comments and actions yesterday that failed to maintain the decorum of the House of Representatives.”

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c The Vagina Idealogues – Michigan Lawmaker Banned ...

Last night, The Daily Show took on the GOP’s War on Women and more specifically, its War on Vaginas. Last week, Michigan Democratic legislators Reps. Barb Byrum and Lisa Brown (W. Bloomfield) responded to a bill limiting access to ...