Posts Tagged Hypocrisy

At least the Republicans are Consistent: They are for probing women’s vaginas & against VAWA

You gotta hand it to the Republicans. They’re committed and consistent when it comes to making life miserable for women. Today’s all male panel on contraceptives was the cherry on the layered cake of misogyny comprised of opposing the Violence Against Women Act, and insisting on vaginally penetrating women against their will. See, the Republicans can’t support a bill that’s against violence against women, when they themselves are perpetuating violence against women by technically raping them with an instrument.

Digby has a great take on the Virginia Bill:

No Virginia, it’s not really about the fetus. It’s all about the probe.Democrats had sought to allow doctors to use other imaging methods but Republicans insisted that doctors put an instrument inside the woman’s ...

You gotta hand it to the Republicans. They’re committed and consistent when it comes to making life miserable for women. Today’s all male panel on contraceptives was the cherry on the layered cake of misogyny comprised of opposing the ...


Anti-immigrant pundit Lou Dobbs employed undocumented workers

Lou Dobbs, the unsurprising hypocrite.

Via The Nation:

But with his relentless diatribes against “illegals” and their employers, Dobbs is casting stones from a house — make that an estate — of glass. Based on a yearlong investigation, including interviews with five immigrants who worked without papers on his properties, The Nation and the Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute have found that Dobbs has relied for years on undocumented labor for the upkeep of his multimillion-dollar estates and the horses he keeps for his 22-year-old daughter, Hillary, a champion show jumper.

This despite the fact that Dobbs railed against undocumented immigrants, and particularly their employers, for years.

Read the rest of the report ...

Lou Dobbs, the unsurprising hypocrite.

Via The Nation:

But with his relentless diatribes against “illegals” and their employers, Dobbs is casting stones from a house — make that an estate — of glass. Based ...