Posts Tagged #CLPP2012

CLPP 2012: Our Bodies are Beautiful, Our Bodies are Political

What do a teenaged sex ed advocate, the executive director of an FGM advocacy organization, and a self-identified fat writer and activist have in common?

More than first meets the eye, I learned at the 2012 CLPP Conference. They are all activists advancing sexual freedom and challenged media culture by sharing stories and building community. They are all engaging in activism that is multi-generational and transnational, and that has created vibrant fat communities and communities of color, redefining sexy and demanding bodily autonomy.

Speakers at the “Our Bodies are Beautiful, Our Bodies are Political” panel included: Sabrina Andrus, Sanaz Shaghaghi, Zeinab Eyega, MSc, and Andrea Dre Domingue.

Sanaz spoke first.

“What is radical sex ed?” she asks. “It’s young women talking about loving ...

What do a teenaged sex ed advocate, the executive director of an FGM advocacy organization, and a self-identified fat writer and activist have in common?

More than first meets the eye, I learned at the 2012 CLPP Conference. ...

CLPP 2012: 6 things you didn’t know about the 2012 presidential election

What’s the deal with the 2012 presidential election?

In the CLPP session “2012 Elections: Representing Our Communities” a stellar panel of advocates and policy makers came together to answer that very question. They talked about where things are at with elections in the U.S., where they are going, and how we can continue to work to ensure that people of all ages in our communities are represented in the 2012 presidential elections in particular.

Speakers included Deborah Peterson Small, founder and director of Break the Chains, Julia Reticker-Flynn, Manager of the Youth Activist Network at Advocates for Youth, Representative Ellen Story (D-MA-3rd Hampshire), and  Sarah Audelo, the panel moderator and Senior Manager of Domestic Policy at Advocates for Youth.

They ...

What’s the deal with the 2012 presidential election?

In the CLPP session “2012 Elections: Representing Our Communities” a stellar panel of advocates and policy makers came together to answer that very question. They talked about where things are ...

Snapped at CLPP: Fashion at the 2012 conference

As you all know, Eesha and I were blogging from this year’s Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program Conference, “From Abortion Rights to Social Justice” at Hampshire College. So far, we’ve covered lots of Important Issues like colonization and colonialism. Follow the CLPP2012 tag to view all our posts.

But while I was struck by the high-quality dialogue that took place at the conference, I couldn’t help but notice another aspect of life in western Massachusetts besides the penchant for social justice and movement-building: fashion.

I’ve written before about my ambivalence towards fashion. But in this space, where so many people of all different backgrounds had come together to talk about the future of our reproductive justice movement, personal expression ...

As you all know, Eesha and I were blogging from this year’s Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program Conference, “From Abortion Rights to Social Justice” at Hampshire College. So far, we’ve covered lots of Important Issues like

From Abortion Rights to Reproductive Justice Conference 2012

Once again, Feministing is partnering with the Civil Liberties and Public Policy Conference, From Abortion Rights to Social Justice: Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom, which will be held next weekend, April 13th-15th at Hampshire College. We should really thank Republicans for making this conference even more relevant and urgent than it usually is. Last year, Lori and Jos attended the conference. This year, Lori is returning and will be joined by Eesha, who is also speaking THREE times! (Holding Our Movements & Ourselves AccountableOur Lives, Our Voices: Reproductive Justice and Immigrant Communities and Strategic Action Session: Abortion Access).

The conference

connects activists from across the U.S. and internationally to build a stronger movement for reproductive justice and social ...

Once again, Feministing is partnering with the Civil Liberties and Public Policy Conference, From Abortion Rights to Social Justice: Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom, which will be held next weekend, April 13th-15th at Hampshire ...