Posts Tagged abortion stigma

A close up shot of Josh, wearing a blue collared shirt and holding a mic

Must watch: Honest and beautiful abortion storytelling by Josh Healey

Last week, the excellent Snap Judgement released their latest episode, and it includes a brilliant personal story by Josh Healey about abortion and all the touching ways that the women in his life have taught him about the crucial importance of safe, legal access.

Last week, the excellent Snap Judgement released their latest episode, and it includes a brilliant personal story by Josh Healey about abortion and all the touching ways that the women in his life have taught him ...


#shoutyourabortion and how stigma robs us of the richness of our abortion stories

As I mentioned yesterday, people have been tweeting about their abortions under the #shoutyourabortion hashtag this week. At Salon, you can read Amelia Bonow’s truly lovely piece that launched the hashtag. 

As I mentioned yesterday, people have been tweeting about their abortions under the #shoutyourabortion hashtag this week. At Salon, you can read Amelia Bonow’s truly lovely piece that launched the hashtag. 

women do regret abortion sign

Study finds 95 percent of women who had an abortion say it was the right decision

The myth that abortion causes mental health problems should have been long since put to rest at this point. But in case you needed yet more evidence that those anti-choice signs insisting that “women DO regret abortion” are full of it, here’s some

The myth that abortion causes mental health problems should have been long since put to rest at this point. But in case you needed yet more evidence that those anti-choice signs insisting ...

chart of Americans views on how the abortion experience should be

Majority of Americans agree on what the abortion experience should be like

Vox conducted an interesting new survey on the public’s opinions on abortion. The results, from a nationally representative sample of US adults, echo what’s been clear for awhile now: that the labels of “pro-choice” and “pro-life” don’t line up very well with people’s actual views. 

Vox conducted an interesting new survey on the public’s opinions on abortion. The results, from a nationally representative sample of US adults, echo what’s been clear for awhile now: that the labels of “pro-choice” and “pro-life” ...

end the stigma.

Quick Hit: Can storytelling help destroy abortion stigma?

One of the first posts I ever wrote as a baby blogger — on Feministing’s Community site — was about talking about my abortion. Ever since, as regular readers know, I’ve been interested in abortion stigma and the power of storytelling to combat it. I’ve got a new piece over at Pacific Standard today diving into the research and exploring the great potential and limitations of sharing our stories. 

One of the first posts I ever wrote as a baby blogger — on Feministing’s Community site — was about talking about my abortion. Ever since, as regular readers know, I’ve

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