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My Colposcopy

Last Friday I went to the gynecologist and had a colposcopy. I had the procedure because about a month ago I my pap smear came back with abnormal results. For those of you who have never gone through this experience I just wanted to share mine with you.
Abnormal pap results are not common, but they are not exactly uncommon either. According to the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, about 1 in every 20 pap results can be considered abnormal. Once I heard about my results and started talking to friends and relatives, I found out that many of them had had the same experience. It was comforting because, truth be told, I was very scared.
I felt so stupid, but when the doctor called me to inform me of my abnormal results I didn’t even know what that meant. I knew that the results were SUPPOSED to be normal but I didn’t know what abnormal pap smears could mean. Then she said cancer. I started to cry at my desk at work. How had I been so uninformed about my own body? I just went every year to get refills on birth control!
I composed myself and listened to the doctor and she said that cancer was very very unlikely. She told me that I would need to schedule an appointment for a colposcopy in the near future so they could biopsy some cervical cells to take a closer look. ...

“Obama as Witch Doctor: Racist or Satirical?”

Just a quick post here on something that’s been bothering me.
I don’t know how many of you have been following this “witch doctor” business but it’s more than obnoxious. On CNN’s ticker they posted this article: “Obama as witch doctor: racist or satirical?”( Are they kidding me? How on earth anyone could see the images of Obama photoshopped as a “witch doctor” and NOT think it’s racist is beyond me.
But then they go on to say:
“Posters portraying President Obama as a witch doctor may be racist, organizers of Tea Party protests say, but they reflect anger about where he is leading the country.”
Oh, so it’s okay to use racist imagery as long as it’s just because ...

Just a quick post here on something that’s been bothering me.
I don’t know how many of you have been following this “witch doctor” business but it’s more than obnoxious. On CNN’s ticker they posted this article: ...

Textbook Harassment

As many of you know, I recently wrote a post about how I was a victim of phone harassment and stalking. Well it does look like my stalker has moved on, at least for now, and the calls and texts have stopped. I still plan on changing my phone number (which is an annoying process since I’ve had the same number for soooo many years) and I am contemplating filing a restraining order against him (the only reason I say contemplating is because I know this process can be difficult and since he was never physically violent towards me it will make it harder).
But after I sent him a text message specifically telling him NOT to contact me, ...

As many of you know, I recently wrote a post about how I was a victim of phone harassment and stalking. Well it does look like my stalker has moved on, at least for now, and ...

Kanye West v. Taylor Swift (or more likely her father apparently)

Kanye West, otherwise known as the music industry’s biggest douchebag (okay maybe not biggest, but he’s gaining momentum), decided to make the VMAs all about himself last night…again. Now, I didn’t watch the show, but this morning it’s all anyone is talking about. Apparently Mr. West decided that Taylor Swift (who won for Best Female Video) was not worthy of her award. Right in the middle of her acceptance speech her jumped up on stage, grabbed the mic from her hands and said that Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time.
Now, this morning I’ve read a few articles about this because the incident really irritates me. I can just imagine how annoyed and upset I’d feel ...

Kanye West, otherwise known as the music industry’s biggest douchebag (okay maybe not biggest, but he’s gaining momentum), decided to make the VMAs all about himself last night…again. Now, I didn’t watch the show, but this morning ...

A Sexualized Horror Movie? Get Out of Town!

Has anybody else seen the trailer for this new movie, Jennifer’s Body, coming out?

It really really annoys me but I wanted to hear what you all thought of it. Here’s the plot taken off of for those who don’t know: A newly possessed cheerleader turns into a killer who specializes in offing her male classmates. Can her best friend put an end to the horror?
It’s like they had a checklist of what horror-movie stereotypes they needed to trot out for this trailer:
-Intertwined sex and violence? Check.
-Highly sexualized villainess? Check.
-Semi-lesbian relationship with friend? Check.
-And let’s not forget random unnecessary shots of Megan Fox half-naked or removing clothing…Check!
That’ll get the straight male movie-goers’ butts in ...

Has anybody else seen the trailer for this new movie, Jennifer’s Body, coming out?

It really really annoys me but I wanted to hear what you all thought of it. Here’s the plot taken off of for ...

Phone Stalking…My Fault?

So I did something really stupid a little over a month ago and I’m pretty embarrassed to admit it. I slept with an ex-boyfriend that I absolutely do not like. Not only do I not like him, thinking about what I did makes me want to throw up. And the aftermath of it all is just…I feel like it’s all totally my fault. Like I deserve it for doing something so stupid. It’s horrible and I don’t know what to do.
Just some quick background on this ex: we dated for about a year on and off when I was 19 (I’m 26 now) and had a really rocky relationship. He cheated on me but still to this day will ...

So I did something really stupid a little over a month ago and I’m pretty embarrassed to admit it. I slept with an ex-boyfriend that I absolutely do not like. Not only do I not like him, ...

Lying About Rape on “The Closer”

On of my favorite TV shows is The Closer on TNT. Kyra Sedgwick is just awesome and she plays the character of Brenda Leigh Johnson which such depth and strength it’s a pleasure to watch. For those that are not familiar, Deputy Chief Johnson is in charge of the Major Crimes Division in Los Angeles (I think that’s what it’s called now, the name changed recently due to perceived racial bias…also an interesting episode!). Her squad treats her with the utmost respect (although they all have fun with each other too) because she is hard-working and gets the job done. And she has a knack of figuring out what has happened before any one else has a clue. The idea ...

On of my favorite TV shows is The Closer on TNT. Kyra Sedgwick is just awesome and she plays the character of Brenda Leigh Johnson which such depth and strength it’s a pleasure to watch. For those ...

My Shields of Armor

There is something that I have been doing ever since I have been moved into the city. I walk a lot by myself, mostly to and from the train to my apartment. It’s not that far. About five blocks at the most. It’s usually during the daytime or in the early evening, and it’s in a familiar neighborhood (I’ve lived here for over 2 years now) but I still do it. When I see that I’m about to approach a man in the street or sidewalk I pull out my phone and pretend I’m talking to someone on it. I use this as a deterrent for street harassment. I’ve found that most of the time if guys think I’m on ...

There is something that I have been doing ever since I have been moved into the city. I walk a lot by myself, mostly to and from the train to my apartment. It’s not that far. About ...

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