In a simultaneously amazing and immensely trying eight minutes, Rachel Maddow schools Rick Santorum in civics, and his past comments about LGBT people and our “lifestyles. ”From this interview, outlets have begun to report that Santorum has “softened” on LGBT issues, but in his discussion with Maddow, it is only clear that he has started watching what he says on camera about LGBT issues. There’s a fundamental difference.
Some highlights:
Santorum fervently believes that Congress has the ability and right to overrule the Supreme Court by passing laws telling them they misunderstood the Constitution. To which Maddow said: “You’re fundamentally wrong on civics.”
Additionally, Santorum apparently wants a rematch at the Supreme Court with different justices on the issue of marriage equality.
He refuses to say if being gay is a choice or an “immutable characteristic” as Maddow argues, but still says that he knows people “who once lived the gay lifestyle or no longer do.”
Watch the full video at MSNBC
Header image credit: Jezebel
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