Weekly Feminist Reader

Can we address the systems that allow racism to thrive?

Painting Wendy Davis as a bad mother in the midst of her campaign for Texas Governor is bullshit and sexist.

“What they’re really about has nothing to do with abortion or the health of anyone; it has to do with controlling women.”

Catherine Samba-Panza is the new interim President of the Central African Republic, and the first woman to hold the position.

With more than 4 million page views a month, Rookie is emerging as a DIY multiplatform media empire of sorts for Girl America.

Why cat-calling is the worst.

On period tracker apps: “There is a basic need among women to understand their bodies and know more about it.”

Colonialism and international anti-LGBT legislation.

Do what you love?

A new vanguard of women chefs in the industry.

Apparently, gay marriage legislation is the direct cause for the rise of floods in the UK…?

Black gay men are still invisible.

You should participate in this edit-a-thon on February 1st: Taking aim at Wikipedia’s gender problem.

The decriminalization of sex work in Canada.

Suey Park of #NotYourAsianSidekick on finding real community online.

What they mean when they call him a “Thug”.

New study highlights internalized racism and it’s effects on the human body.

“There is probably no figure in recent American history whose memory is more distorted, whose message more bowdlerized, whose powerful words are more drained of content than King.”

The GOP isn’t going to budge on its anti-choice platform.

Solidarity, anti-racism, an end to body shaming and more: crunk dreams for 2014.

Marlise Munoz, the pregnant, brain-dead woman in Texas, has been taken off of life support following a Judge’s orders.

What have you been reading/writing/watching/listening to this week?

court smiling Courtney Baxter is thankful for Instapaper.

Brooklyn, NY

When Courtney’s not Feminst-ing, she’s chasing down couples to take their pictures for her project/movement “Queer in Public” (www.queerinpublic.tumblr.com). At all other times, she’s the Chief of Staff at The OpEd Project. She likes mountains, beer, karaoke, swimming and people watching.

When Courtney’s not Feminst-ing, she’s chasing down couples to take their pictures for her project/movement “Queer in Public” (www.queerinpublic.tumblr.com). At all other times, she’s the Chief of Staff at The OpEd Project. She likes mountains, beer, karaoke, swimming and people watching.

Read more about Courtney

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