#MillionHoodies for Trayvon Martin takes over NYC’s Union Square

Photo Credit: MSNBC

Last night I threw on my hoodie and attended the #MillionHoodies march for Trayvon Martin in New York City.  The turnout was strong (although there is a bit of debate over whether that was because of Occupy Wall Street or not) and Trayvon’s parents were there to speak to supporters.  This senseless tragedy has capture the nation’s attention and there have even been comparison’s to the murder of Emmet Till another senseless murder of a black teenage boy.

The parents of Trayvon Martin are calling for the immediate arrest of George Zimmerman the man who shot and killed Trayvon on February 26th.  “Our son is your son,” Sybrina Fulton, Trayvon’s mother, told the crowd, “My heart is in pain. But seeing the support from all of you, really makes a difference.”

Here is a slideshow of pictures Jamil Smith put together over at the blog for “Melissa Harris-Perry” on MSNBC.

The Sanford city manager is expected to address the press at 3:30pm EST today to give us the latest on the case and you can watch the live stream here.


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