NPR’s “Here and Now” Host Robin Young Asserts Young People “Can’t” Understand Criticisms of Kony 2012

Today I was listening to “Here and Now”, and the host was discussing the criticisms of the Kony 2012 campaign. They were all criticisms I had heard from my friends. I thought it was a great piece until the host, Robin Young, said that young people “can’t” understand these criticisms. I felt very insulted and infantilized. I sent her my reply, posted below, and she replied that she didn’t mean to offend me, but even if I understand, clearly there are people who “can’t” understand the criticisms.

So, feminists and activists, please take a second to go to the program’s website and say it is unacceptable to portray young activists as emotional, brain-washable, unthinking people incapable of understanding nuance.

Here was my reply:

I am a twenty-five year old woman and I felt highly insulted at your assertion that young people “can’t” (your words) understand the criticisms of Kony 2012. In fact, I learned about the criticisms from my facebook friends before I even saw the movie.

When I saw the movie, before I did research on the background of the conflict, I was immediately struck by some of the problematic elements. I was struck by 1) reinforcement of the narrative of the “white savior /incompetent African people” 2) the lack of inclusion of African voices/local forces 3) encouragement of militarization in an area that is very rich in resources (hello, conflict of interest) as opposed to peace talks 3) a simplification of an issue to one evil man ignoring context (is anything ever that simple?) and 4) a lack of examination of the contribution of local politics.

I am not saying this to say I am special; I am saying I am not special. To imply that all young people are well-intentioned but emotional, brain-washable, unthinking people incapable of understanding nuance is not only wrong but also insulting.

Write a comment on the piece’s website if you agree.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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