@DrPepper “Can” Your Marketing Team

Originally posted on my blog.

I am one of the toughest people I know.

I mean, not to toot my own horn, but I really am tough as nails. Emotionally, physically, and intellectually, I’m far tougher than the average person. Intellectually, if I engage in a verbal argument, I’ll go for the Jugular and make you cry. (One of the disadvantages of being a quick wit.) Physically, I can probably out-plank you and I have the sickest pain tolerance around. No really, I broke my foot and didn’t cry once (everyone in the ER was amazed, considering the fact that I had completely shattered the bone). Emotionally, I’ve lived through some really terrible things and have, as a result, made positive changes in my life and even the world. Despite all of these things, according to Dr. Pepper, I’m not tough enough to drink a damn soft drink.

The tagline for their new diet soft drink, Dr. Pepper Ten, is “It’s not for women.” Are you friggin’ kidding me? Right, because childbirth is a walk in the proverbial park.

It gets worse, as women, we’re not allowed to see ALL of the content on Dr. Pepper Ten’s Facebook page: “A Facebook page for the drink contains an application that allows it to exclude women from viewing content, which includes games and videos aimed at being “manly.” For instance, there’s a shooting gallery where you shoot things like high heels and lipstick, for example. There is also a “man quiz” with questions on activities like fishing and hunting.” (Read more)

I CANNOT EVEN DEAL WITH THAT! It’s offensive to women and men! Even though my favorite movies are Braveheart, True Romance, Godfather I & II (I pretend that III doesn’t exist), the Rocky series, Underworld, The Boondock Saints, and Fight Club, I can’t view “masculine content.” Give me a break! I’m sorry, but this makes men look like gun-toting idiots. Men are capable of reading books, appreciating a good museum exhibit, and of, oh my God, complex thoughts.

This shit is stupid.

Men and women can (and DO) like the same things. Gender and sexual orientation do not matter, they don’t determine what we like. Yes, gender roles do affect our upbringing, but we are living in an age in which we can more easily disregard them. In the end, a good product is a good product. Bad marketing is bad marketing. That being said, even though I WAS a Dr. Pepper person, will I ever buy it again? Hell-to-the-no.

Their ridiculously sexist commercial

Between the upsurge of transvaginal ultrasound legislation, Rush Limbaugh’s asinine comments, and this Dr. Pepper Ten BS, I’m tripling my annual donation to NOW.


Contact them here (I did!):

Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc.
Attn: Consumer Relations
P.O. Box 869077
Plano, TX 75086-9077

Telephone: 1-800-696-5891
E-Mail: send us an email

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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