This Is Not A Religious Issue

I am sick and tired of hearing that the Affordable Care Act inclusion of contraception coverage is “not about women’s health.” Of course Roy Blunt can say that because to him, women don’t matter. Religious institutions matter more to him than the lives of millions of women. This is, of course, consistent with the far right stance that big business is more important than individual human rights.

And has anyone noticed that the people who say “it’s not about women’s health” NEVER say anything that remotely resembles approval of contraception? Instead, they say ridiculous things like putting an aspirin between your knees so you don’t get pregnant. You can’t fool us, Blunt. Contrary to what you obviously believe, women are not stupid. This is a smoke screen to cover a movement to penalize sexual activity in women, and it scares the hell out of me that it might be freaking working!

Even if this was about religious freedom, since when do people in this country have the right to impose their religious beliefs on other people? Because that is essentially what Blunt’s bill is proposing.

Besides, why the hell are Catholics allowed to have a greater say about contraception when their own governing body is responsible for for covering up the rape and molestation of thousands of children across the globe and knowingly allowing it to continue by sending offenders to new flocks of victims?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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