Refusing to Limit Myself

I guess this is a ranting session, but I also need feedback from the feministing community.

This summer I moved in with my parents due to economic reasons.  I haven’t lived with them for 5 years so they are now seeing how I conduct my daily routine.  Lately I’ve been training for a 5K and I’ll run right before dusk.  My neighborhood is a typical suburban area and I feel very comfortable and safe being out in public by myself.  My boyfriend usually runs with me, but he’s been working late so if he’s at work I’ll go by myself.  A few times I’ve been out running and come in right as it has been getting dark–this has not set well with my parents…

My parents are incredibly loving and supportive and they know about my feminist beliefs, but sometimes they still treat me like I’m a child. After one running session my parents told me they weren’t comfortable with me running alone and felt as if I needed to run with my boyfriend or during the afternoon.  They said that it bothered them that I didn’t carry anything but my mp3 player–they felt as if I needed to carry my phone or pepper spray or something and they prompted to inform me that in a few cities over a young woman was sexually assaulted while riding her bike.  They also told me how easy it was to get kidnapped.

I didn’t react very well.  Honestly, I was upset and angry.  I told them that I felt safe where we live and that I see tons of families and couples walking or running at the time of day I’m out and that if I was scared or felt as if I was being followed I’d have no qualms running up to someone’s door and asking for help.  I also told them that I’m constantly aware of my surroundings–what’s in front of me, to the side and even behind me.  I told them that this conversation wouldn’t be happening if it were my brother or boyfriend running alone in the dusk, right before sunset–the most bearable time of day to run in the summer heat.  I told them that I refuse to limit myself because fear and that I CAN be safe alone.  I apologized for being so explosive once I calmed down, but everytime I go for a run by myself I can tell that they don’t approve.   I understand they just want me to be safe, but they are asking me to limit myself.

Feminist community, how can I deal with this?

I’m tired of my family and society telling me that I can’t be safe alone.  I’m tired of being expected to be afraid and to limit myself just because I don’t have a male counterpart to be there at all times to protect me.  I’m just so damn tired of it.

In a way, my running has turned into a protest.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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