Words That Hurt Women With Infertility

Even though we’re only half of the equation, reproduction is seen as the domain of women.

In heterosexual relationships, women often bear the brunt of infertility. We are the first to suspect our bodies are defective. We blame ourselves for our illnesses, and sometimes, our partners do too. Even though men suffer from infertility in almost equal numbers, because the female body is seen as suspect, women see fertility doctors in much greater numbers than men, and usually are the first to be medically examined.

Our bodies become fodder for public discussions about reproduction, and even well-meaning friends and family can hurt us with their advice and questions. That’s why I made this infographic.

Words That Hurt People with Infertility - Infographic
Via: FertilityNation.com

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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