my body…my being

There should be no beauty standards promoted by our hetero-normative patriarchy that women (with or w/o penis’s) should be forced to conform to. While there are certain “visuals” that are built into our dna for reproductive reasons alone (v-shaped abdomen for men, low waist-hip ratio, etc) for the most part physical “beauty” is a social construct. People often think (these people often being men), “I like skinny girls with big tits cause that’s what I like! That’s what we all like, right? Thats why those girls in those ads look the way they do! Right? It’s nature!”… Not exactly. This a perfect example of how nurture from a young age actually cultivates our nature, the result being that we often can’t tell the difference.

NO culture in human history has prized skinniness as much as we do now in the developed world. NONE. It’s no wonder that MOST women in the developed world, mothers & inevitably their daughters as well, have a warped body image & often times disturbed eating habits.

I don’t promote “curvyness” anymore than I promote “thin girls”….the only goal should be health….if one is healthy… can see that in how they look….THAT is attractive…(oh also, you know, the whole brain thing kinda matters too).

However I do like seeing things Dove ads, etc.. because that is what most biological females naturally look like. Naturally thin, thin girls shouldn’t feel bad either….but when i see some ad that forgot to feature an emaciated woman, and instead features a slightly more normal female I do get excited.

Unfortunately I feel as if I’m the last sane woman on the planet when it comes to this please (for the 2 or so people who MIGHT read this)…don’t let masculine culture make you feel like shit… and your body are PERFECT in every way possible.

As a queer person (far stretch here) I often times have people “unoffensively” question the validity of my identity & gender expression. I’m “that friend”…..I’m soooooo weird, but in a “cute, bitchy” sort of way. My “disturbed” but “cute!” persona is all that people often notice. Therefore I’m reduced to that one aspect of my being. I’m reduced to a demonized collective identity. And worse, I dont allow people to treat me as the queer friend, which makes things more awkward. I’m Michael…..that’s all….and yes i happen to be wearing combat boots with a 3 1/2 inch heel……is that soooo weird????

Just remember…..when it comes to your body, don’t let our disturbed patriarchy get you down. They’re the ones with the issue. You have to remind yourself everyday, you’re not the ugly one!

Trust me!

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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