3 Incumbents Who Voted Against Women – Let’s Vote Them Out

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and we run,walk, and rally to alert people to the importance of early detection.  Let’s also work for the election of legislators who share our commitment to women’s health.  Nothing matters more to the early detection of breast and cervical cancer than being able to afford to get screened—so let’s vote for candidates like Susan SavageTony Avella, and Kathleen Joy who will stand up for women, not for corporate profits.

In 2002, the New York State Senate voted on the Women’s Health and Wellness Act.  This Act required all health insurance companies to cover basic preventative medicine for women, including mammographies, screenings for cervical cancer, screenings for osteoporosis, and birth control prescriptions.

The bill passed, and became law, but 10 Senators voted against it.  3 of these long-time incumbents are facing strong challengers this year.  Hugh FarleyJohn DeFrancisco and Frank Padavan voted against women and for insurance company profits.   Women are rallying for Tony Avella tomorrow in Queens and for Susan Savage in Rotterdam next week – please join them!

Crossposted at 16% and Rising.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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