2010 Better Men Better World Search – Would you vote for Jimmie Briggs?

GQ magazine in the USA is running a competition of sorts, to highlight the efforts of men making a positive impact on their community. It’s at the stage of having 5 finalists, who really are all equally deserving. The winner’s organization will receive a donation of $10,000. Jimmie Briggs is in the running and he is someone who I have a great deal of respect and admiration for. He is the executive director of the Man Up Campaign which hosted a youth summit I attended in Jo’burg this past July.

Jimmie is an incredible guy with a genuine passion for gender equality and making this world a safer place for women. He started out as a journalist, and after spending time writing a book on child soldiers he decided that it wasn’t enough just to be engaged in the global debate on issues that particularly affect women and children, but that he needed to get involved in being part of the solution. That then birthed the idea of the Man Up Campaign, which is a global campaign to activate youth to stop violence against women and girls.
I was really impressed with Jimmie’s faith in the ability and desire of young people to make a long term positive impact on their local, regional and global communities. His mentoring and belief in me as an individual, and our Australian delegation to the youth summit, had a significant impact on me and I hope that you will consider voting for him in this competition.
September 30 is the last day you can vote. Go here to vote – http://www.thegentlemensfund.com/vote

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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