Act now to stop hate!

I am writing to tell you about Columbus’ mayor Michael Coleman brave response to Arizona Law SB1070 and the backlash that he has faced from certain groups in Ohio.
Mayor Coleman condemned Arizona law and banned all city-funded travel to Arizona. In response, a local radio station launched a xenophobic contest to win a trip to Phoenix Arizona where they claim “Americans are proud” and “illegals are scared.”
Columbus' 610 WTVN "contest"
The add encourages people to go to Arizona and spend time “chasing aliens” and also shows Mayor Coleman as the holder of a Green Card. The references are aggressive and reminiscent of the vigilante tradition of anti-immigration right-wing groups. Please take a minute to sign an online petition put together by a local community group in Columbs and addressed to the manager of the radio. And spread the word!

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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