Cares Not Gay or Straight; Their Mission is to Highlight Macho.

luggageandsouls wrote on the community site yesterday about this really interesting list that put together about the Top 10: Toughest Gay Characters. I certainly did a double take since AskMen is so unapologetic about hating women and giving off the cuff advice on how to be the biggest misogynist possible that this also meant they hate teh gayz. But as you read through the list you realize, it is not “gays” they hate, it is femininity, so even their list of highlighting “gays in Hollywood,” is clearly an attempt to highlight men that are not too gay as to destabilize their idea of masculinity and then by extension their own sexuality which is potently, exaggeratedly, overcompensatingly (is that a word?), straight.
And this is not to say I don’t love everyone on that list, especially number one as seen in the video below, Omar Little from the Wire, one of my favorite characters of all time, but that this is hardly an attempt on their part to be inclusive.

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