Lesbian couple gets heckled at comedy show: are they right to press charges?

Possible trigger warning

I came across this today, and thought it was definitely worth sharing with you lovely gals:

We told you a few days ago about comedian Guy Earle, who was set to face a human rights tribunal in British Columbia for heckling a lesbian couple at a comedy show in 2007.

The short of it is this: the couple strolled in toward the end of the show and decided to sit right up front, where they began to heckle Earle. The comedian laid into the couple pretty harshly saying things like, “You’re fat and ugly, no wonder you’re lesbians, you can’t get a man; that’s why you’re dykes. You must be on the rag, you stupid dykes.”

Yeah, if there were a Nobel Prize for Royal Dick-itude, Earle would definitely be a front runner for this year’s recipient, but I tend to agree with the blog’s poster, in that the couple was wrong to bring charges. After all, they were disruptive and even posed a physical assault threat by throwing water at the comedian while he was performing.

What do you think of this issue?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

Writer, wanderer, feminist, comedy fan, ninja princess.

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