It’s the subtle things: iPad edition

As many of you have no doubt heard, Apple unveiled its latest product today: a tablet PC. It’s called the iPad. Almost immediately, the Internet and probably word of mouth was flooded with jokes about how it should’ve been called the "iTampon". From Twitter:

"#ipad , #iTampon … I’m sorry but… Fail"

"#iTampon — What a bloody mess."

"so wit this #iTampon are we gonna see girls wit headphones coming out their ****?"

"Thanks to the #itampon I kno where my gurl is at least one week outta tha month haha"

"LOL @ iTampon . You can always count on things women shove up their watering holes to be funny in most any context."

Ha ha, we get it, women’s hygiene is HILARIOUS! Because it’s so NASTY, right? And I’m so TRANSGRESSIVE for talking about such a GROSS item!

It’s the subtle things like this that bug me the most. In an ideal world — a world that does not devalue women — a tampon would be on the same level as, say, a Q-tip or a tissue, because menstruation would be completely unremarkable. The mention of the word "pad" would not spark an outrage. And I would be able to look at my Twitter feed without hating the world. Maybe that last one’s a bit too much to hope for?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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