Take Action re: Superbowl Ad

By now, may of us have heard about and become incensed by CBS’ recent decision to allow the anti-gay, anti-woman, and, I’d argue, anti-man, group Focus on the Family to air an anti-choice ad during the Superbowl. This is either a complete reversal of policy, or, what it seems to be, a blatant illustration of the arbitrary enforcement of their “non-controversial ad” policy. CBS is using their TV network to promote a specifically conservative, anti-woman, anti-gay, and anti-Christian agenda. Lemme ‘splain.

First of all, this is not the first time CBS has faced criticism over this policy. Lets talk about three ads that CBS has rejected: an ad from the United Church of Christ, an ad from PETA, and an ad from moveon.org. In 2004, CBS denied the UCC’s ad citing the non-controversy policy. From a facebook group called “Tell CBS to reject Focus on the Family’s Ad or accept the UCC’s!” : “Five years ago, CBS rejected an ad from the United Churches of Christ, deeming that their message – that the church would accept all people – was too controversial.” CBS also rejected ads by PETA and MoveOn.org, citing that it does not “run advertisements on “controversial issues of public importance.” I guess it’s not controversial to run an ad against a LEGAL medical procedure. So, what does make the cut?

Besides the homophobic and sexist ads we’ve come to expect from Superbowl celebrations, there are other gems such as ED ads. Levitra and Cialis made the cut; nothing wrong with talking about a dude getting into a woman, but OMG please don’t talk about what might happen AFTER! Watching the Superbowl is seen as a celebration of American masculinity. But in reality, it is the glorification of one VERY particular, very narrow, definition of what it means to be a man. According to the CBS approved Ads, being a man means this is your thought process: Grunt. Beer! Grunt. Sex with hot chick! Grunt. Grunt. EAT MEAT! Grunt. Wife annoying! Frankly, I think these ads are sexist toward men AND women. But hey, this is what we expect right? What we don’t expect is an anti-gay organization to be approved to run an anti-choice ad when the following ad was REJECTED:

Sign the petition to CBS here.

Additionally, on Super bowl Sunday, I encourage you to update your facebook and twitter to the following status: Facebook: ______is focused on FOOTBALL, not YOUR opinion on a woman’s right to choose! Go __(team)__! Twitter: I’m focused on FOOTBALL, not YOUR opinion on a woman’s right to choose! Go ___(team)__! Spread the word. This is totally UNCOOL.

Crossposted from Fairandfeminist.com

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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