Is it too late to blog for choice?

X-posted at my blog, Emmazon Nation.

Well, even if it is, I’m still going to choose to. (Ha. Ha.) 

Admittedly, I’m a shame-faced feminist for not having known about this prior to an hour or so ago. It’s the anniversary of Roe V. Wade, and thus, NARAL Pro-Choice is challenging bloggers (for the fifth year, no less) to craft blogo-rhetoric and syntax around the answer to the following question:

In honor of Dr. George Tiller, who often wore a button that simply read, “Trust Women,” this year’s Blog for Choice Day question is: What does Trust Women mean to you?

I don’t know that the answer I could give would differ any greatly for any of those already beamed out into cyberspace, and I’m not going to pretend that I’d bring some introspective, revolutionary insight to the subject, but it’s message is critical to me, and, as with things in Haiti – I’d like to contribute more, but sometimes $10 is all I can spare.

Trusting women means accepting and acknowledging the indisputable,
biological fact that women are adults, not inferior, below-average
beings in constant need of hand-holding and supposed-coddling. We know
what’s right for our bodies, our selves, our families, and our lives –
assigning agents of cultural chaperoning to enforce control over an
entire half of the American population is not only blatantly nihilistic
to the principles of societal prosper, but more than a little
Machiavellian in character.

Look, I get it; once upon a time, I, a “good” “Christian” girl (no
need for quotation marks around “girl”), regrettably supported the
anti-choice movement. This was, of course, prior to learning about how
the world really works, and I’ve since ditched the idealistic
foolishness that is the pro-body-control group. That being said, I can
understand why someone might hold what they considered to be a pro-life
viewpoint. I can fully sympathize with how an average, even intelligent
person would look at the procedure as murder. (And, let’s be honest: not all pro-lifers are lame.)

However, personal feelings about faith and creation aside, there’s
nothing remotely logistical about the anti-abortion movement. If all
abortions are seen as abhorrent acts, then pushing the safe, legal
method back into the alleyways would only do just that: strip the
procedure of its safety and leave it’s partakers and practicioners
liable to legal prosectuion.

This is not to speak of the potential increases to infanticide,
abandonment, and exposure. I once asked a friend who considered herself
pro-life if having babies be left in dumpsters would be preferrable to
abortion. She paused and admitted that she hadn’t thought of that

Women know the outcomes and consequences (if there are any) of
obtaining an abortion. The only danger that encumbers the dynamic
between the procedure and the women undergoing it would be an alarming lack of education
or informed opinion on the subject – a very Trojan horse gift (condom
joke definitely needed there) from the anti-choice movement. Congressmembers , doctors , and pharmiscists really need to reassess their attitudes and understandings about womens’ logical decisions regarding our own bodies and lives.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

Writer, wanderer, feminist, comedy fan, ninja princess.

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