Mass Media, Entertainment or Degradation.

There has been something that has been bothering me for awhile now, sometimes I can let it go sometimes it catches in my throat and won’t let me swallow. It chokes me and I find myself wondering if anyone will ever get it. If there will ever be a moment when it clicks in the minds of those that have the power and they just for a second realize their greed is destroying good people. I am talking about the TV shows that come on the air and utilize the humiliation and degradation of people to get ratings.
I am sure many of you know what I am talking about. The day time talk shows that depict often minority people, or poor people in life situations that many of a face, a cheating spouse, an ongoing family fight. Anything that can cause anger, fear, tears on someone’s face. What I find even more deplorable is that they will bring the children into the picture to up their ratings I am sure. Some women who is unsure of who the father to a child is.
What frightens me is that they use these people’s lives and give them a few minutes of humiliating, degrading fame. I wonder about the faces I see that sit in the audience as they boo some poor person who is seen as bad. What kinds of people are they that take great pleasure in someone pain? I can not even begin to fathom what the parents, children or friends think of as they watch a person being humiliated. The networks feed on these people’s need for retribution. What about the children. I keep saying what about the children, who see their parents face on the television fighting over who the child belongs to.
What damage are we as a society doing? I can name a hundred shows that depict our poor, or minority’s in life situations that the networks show as something less then human and for our entertainment purposes only. What is worse then that is the hosts of the show, acting as if they really care about these human beings. As if they are helping them in some way. In the end I say oh crap just another day in the life of billionaires who are bored stiff and don’t have anything better to do then entertain themselves at the cost of another child , women, minority so they can make a buck or two. Then I turn off the TV and fix dinner, what entertains some, sicken those of us that live in reality.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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