We’re not promoting breast cancer awareness. Instead we’re letting it know it has wardrobe options.

There’s a meme going around facebook right now.  Apparently, if you’re a female bodied person between the ages of 12 and 75 (those were the two extremes on my status updates list last night) it’s The Thing To Do to change your Facebook status to the color of your bra right now.

It promotes breast cancer awareness.


Last night, after seeing a multitude of friends update their statuses to different colors I got the meme in my mailbox.  From one of my former high school teachers.  Yes, folks, this had spread far and wide.

We are playing a game…… silly, but fun! Write the color of your bra as your status, just the color, nothing else!! Copy this and pass it on to all females …… NO MEN!! This will be fun to see how it spreads, and we are leaving the men wondering why all females just have a color as their status!! Let’s have fun!! Support breast cancer xx

That’s just the one I got.  There may be others, but I assume they all say generally the same thing.

Let’s all post something related to our breasts, not explain it, confuse the "poor menfolk" and promote breast cancer… er, I mean, breast cancer research.

How did you all feel about this meme?  Did you see it?  Do you think it was, in any way, promoting breast cancer research?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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