Objectification of Asian women apparently makes a great Christmas gift.

I was out shopping today at Habitat, a store I generally like but have not been to very often. I was completely disgusted to see these mugs.

I am having trouble expressing exactly what the problems here are in such a way that I can write about it to Habitat (any suggestions would be most welcome!) but honestly, this is so totally gross. These are faces that look like photographs – so, we presume, faces of real Asian women. These mugs use real Asian women’s faces as pretty decorations for us to admire, the same as a normal mug would use a design of a flower or something. These women are nameless (quite a different situation from a mug that had a picture of a famous person). They are simply disembodied faces, and even more grossly, disembodied faces that get cut in two if someone ever actually drinks out of the mug. Does nobody see the problem in drinking your cup of tea out of a ridiculously blown-up image of women’s lips or eyes?

Newsflash for Habitat! Asian women are human beings, not decorations!

As I said before, I am having trouble expressing myself as I try to write a letter to the company, and any suggestions of things I could say or points to bring up would be most welcome.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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