Study: Female breadwinners are household nags

Yelling ladies just want to be more feminine, we swear!
You have to love the Daily Mail, which can take any study and make it about how women are nagging shrews.

Working women have long complained that their man doesn’t pull his weight on household chores.
But his lack of effort on the domestic front could actually be a myth created by his partner, researchers have found.
According to a major study, female breadwinners exaggerate their partner’s uselessness around the home because they feel guilty about devoting too much time to their career, and not enough to their role of wife and mother.
By nagging their man over his alleged shortcomings, women feel more feminine because they can control the traditionally female role of maintaining the home and family, experts say.

Obviously, the study the article is referring to is a bit more complicated than that. But that doesn’t stop this bastion of journalistic integrity from making all working women sound like they’re just big meanies who pick on men because they really just miss traditional gender norms.
For an abstract of what the study is really about, click here.
Via Jezebel.

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