“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” – Kate Moss

Yes, yes, Moss’s motto is all over the news. When asked by a magazine what her motto in life was, she said the above quote.

Before we jump down her throat, though, I have to ask: why do "millions of girls aspire to be like Kate Moss," as Katie Green pointed out? Sure, she’s attractive. So what? Nobody chooses to have great bone structure, or flawless skin–if you could choose, everyone would choose it. Does that really make her a role model?

As I’ve discussed elsewhere , the "ugly business of beautiful women" is really nothing to snort at. The subconscious and unconscious effect of seeing glossy beauties, airbrushed within an inch of their life, is socially corrosive. We really do not need more "thinspiration" in the media.

This comes hot on the heels of Ralph Lauren’s photoshop fiasco. Enough! When will young women put down the Cosmo and pick up a (veggie)burger? It’s time to say "Fuck you!" to Anna Wintour, don’t you think?

Moss may or may not be intelligent, I neither know nor care. But at some level, she must realize that young women aspire to be like her. It saddens me that she truly believes that her motto is something to be emulated.

Now that that’s over with–"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"? Maybe Elie Wiesel would have an opinion on that.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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